You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > 4.4.4. Point of Sale - Credit Creation > Maintaining the Credit Transaction Header

Maintaining the Credit Transaction Header

When you create a new credit note, Micronet displays the Credit Transaction Header screen where you enter the main details of the credit note. This includes entering the invoice number that you want to credit if the invoice was processed in Micronet. You should always enter the Micronet invoice number on the Credit Transaction Header screen if applicable. This ensures that, if there have been price increases, the customer only receives a credit for the prices they paid at the time of the invoice.


Best Practice

If you are processing an open credit to credit an invoice that was not created in Micronet, you should always check the prices of items you are crediting to make sure you only credit the prices the customer actually paid.

  1. Create a new credit note, or recall an existing one.

Refer to "Creating a New Credit Note" or "Recalling a Held Credit Note".

  1. Alternatively, you can select EDIT | HEADER from the Enter Credit Transaction screen.

Micronet displays the Credit Transaction Header screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Debtors Number

Micronet displays the ID and description of the debtor you entered on the Enter Credit Transaction screen, or CASH for cash customers.


Tax Number

Micronet displays the debtor's default tax number from the Debtor master file (refer to "File - Debtor - Debtor").

You may leave this as TAXABLE for GST, or enter EXEMPT.


Order Number

If you load an invoice into this credit note (see the Post Against Inv field below), Micronet displays the customer's purchase order number. If you are processing an open credit, enter the purchase order number from the customer.


Sales Person

If you load an invoice into this credit note, Micronet displays the salesperson who processed the invoice. Otherwise, it displays the default salesperson for this debtor.

If salesperson commissions are involved, you should leave this as the salesperson who processed the invoice. Micronet will then automatically reverse the commission.

In other cases, you may want to change this to your own code as the salesperson processing the credit note.


Credit Date

Micronet displays today's date as the credit note date. You can change this date if required.


Invoice Number

Enter a credit note number if required. Micronet generates your credit note numbers automatically based on whether the Use Warehouse Numbers field is set to a system wide or per warehouse numbering system.

For more details on generating credit note numbers automatically, refer to "Edit - Program - General".



If you load an invoice into this credit note, Micronet displays the warehouse the items were invoiced from. Otherwise it displays the default warehouse for this debtor.

Enter or select the warehouse that the items on this credit note are to be returned to.

You can only change the invoicing warehouse if the Transfer C/Note Stk from Invoice W/H field on the Invoicing Configuration screen is set to Yes (refer to "Edit - Program - Invoicing").


Post Against Inv

If you are crediting an invoice that has already been processed in Micronet, enter the invoice number. This links the credit note to the original invoice and reduces the amount payable against the original invoice.

If you don't know the invoice number, press the spacebar then press Enter. If the invoice was processed before the last End of Month, Micronet displays a message that it will post the credit as an open credit.

Select OK to proceed. Micronet displays a selection screen with a list of invoices for the debtor so you can select the correct invoice. It also displays this screen if you enter an incorrect invoice number.

  • To narrow the list of invoices, complete one or more of the following fields:



Invoice No

If you know the number of the invoice you want to load, enter it.

Order No

If you know the order number for the invoice you want to load, enter it.

Micronet displays the invoices matching your criteria at the bottom of the screen.

  • Double-click on the invoice you want to credit, or select an invoice and press the Enter key.

Micronet redisplays the Credit Transaction Header screen.

Alternatively, you can leave the Post Against Inv field blank. If you don't enter or select an invoice number (e.g. because the invoice was created before Micronet was installed), Micronet posts the amount as an open credit note to your customer's account.


Period to Post

Select the period you want to post the credit note to on the customer account. Generally, you would post the credit note to the same period in which the invoice was processed so they both show in the same period on the debtor's account.

If no invoice is selected in the Post Against Inv field, select a period for the open credit to be assigned to.


Important Information

Micronet displays any added text in the Debtors master file that is assigned to display as important information on credit notes.

  1. If you entered an invoice number in the Post Against Inv field, select EDIT | LOAD INVOICE.

Micronet loads all the details from the original invoice header and lines. Refer to "Credit Transaction Header - Edit - Load Invoice" for more information about this option.



You should only ever load an invoice into a credit note once. Loading an invoice more than once will duplicate the invoice lines and increase the amount to be credited.


  1. Optionally, you can perform any of the following edits or actions on the Credit Transaction Header screen if required:
  1. When you have finished editing the credit note header and other details, select PROCEED or press F2.

Micronet displays a message that the invoice has already been posted against.

  1. Select OK to proceed.

Micronet displays the Enter Credit Item screen. Refer to "Entering the Credit Note Lines" for more information.